This article is the September edition of a monthly column I write for Inman. Find it here. If you have a question for me, feel free to email me at

Everyone is looking to make more connections online. How do you ensure that you are tuned in and getting in front of the potential partners you need?
When you are spending money for online content, ad campaigns, and other promotional materials, it’s important to account for every penny and make sure that it is working for you and your business. This month everyone has been asking about effectively connecting with your audience near and far.
Tara Sundaram, Chennai, India
As a small business with erratic income and non stable / negligible marketing budgets, how can we Realtors effectively use a marketing plan to execute on content marketing projects (writing/production, distribution), advertising campaigns (Google Adwords, Facebooks Ads, Retargeting, etc.) and SEO projects? (content, link building, keyword research/optimization)
Great question, Tara! When it comes to making your marketing budget go further, two things will help you do more with less -- repurposed content and meaningful distribution.
Creating content can be costly in terms of both time and money. A blog post, podcast episode, or professional video is generally something that takes planning, production, evaluation, and follow-up, so you want to make it count.
Start out with a solid plan for the keywords you want to reach. If you are working with a content creator or branding expert, they can usually run a keyword and competitor keyword search. That inexpensive step will help you ensure that you are correctly targeting your content and distribution.
Turn each blog post into the topic for a quick Facebook Live or IGTV video. Download that video and upload it to your Youtube Channel. Pull quotes from the blog, add them to graphics in Canva, and make them the foundation for the next week’s Instagram posts. Once or twice a month, create a Mailchimp or other email blast using images and links from your blog posts and videos to remind your sphere to check out your content.
When it comes to paid ads on your social media channels, promote only those posts that are already getting traction by boosting your most popular and engaging posts. And don’t forget to share posts in Facebook groups as well as on your feed -- that’s a great way to get more views and click-throughs at no extra cost.
Finally, don’t just distribute your content the day or week it rolls out. If you have an evergreen post, add it to your distribution calendar rotation and continue to tweet or share the link every few days. And be sure to check your analytics every month, quarter, and year to ensure that you are promoting and producing content that really speaks to your audience.
Nicola Taylor, Washington DC
How can Realtors find/connect with International Ultra-Luxe Buyers looking to purchase in their local area?
Networking is essential for finding the types of buyers you want for your luxury and estate listings. Connect with other agents and brokers through professional organizations and through events like Inman Luxury Connect.
In addition, you may find that continuing your education by seeking professional designations and certifications is a great way to meet like-minded real estate professionals in your niche. They’ll also help you learn the latest strategies for working effectively with the luxury buyer and seller.
Next, many luxury agents swear by co-listing properties as a way to build your portfolio. Taking on a huge property -- and the cost of marketing it -- can be a challenge for a single agent. By teaming up with another luxury pro, you double your sphere and halve your costs.
Finally, take advantage of technology to increase your reach. Start a blog aimed toward luxury buyers and sellers and ensure your social media is reaching that group. Check out apps like RealClozer or connect with international investor groups to create even more outreach.
Brandon Doyle, Maple Grove MN
What can you do to rank for “Homes for sale in Your City”? That has been a keyword search that has been tough for us to win.
When you’re competing with the big portals, it’s tough to hit that magic first page of Google. However, there are a couple of strategies that should help you increase your rankings and connect with more potential clients as they search online.
First, create a content-rich environment with longform blog posts that cover every aspect of life in your local market. Google loves experts, so if you are providing high quality content on a consistent basis, you’ll find your page featured more and more prominently.
When you do your keyword analysis, look for commonly asked questions about your city or local neighborhoods. Where is the best coffee shop in Your City? Where is the best shopping in Your City? Fall festivals, fireworks, local traditions -- all of these are searches that are performed dozens or even hundreds of times each year. You should have information on your site about them.
Next, create a presence that is more niche-oriented and begin to capture buyers with specific needs. Have a landing page with a URL for each of the popular neighborhoods in your market. Have one for each school in your market. Have pages for pet-friendly listings in your market. Student-friendly rentals. Take a tip from BostonPads and market smaller niches to create more impact. Then link each of these subpages prominently to your main page.
Finally, Google loves links with high domain authority. Create content about your area for the local newspaper’s real estate section or television station’s blog with a link back to your page. Create a section on your town’s Wikipedia page with information that links back to your website. Connect with a local blogger to offer your expertise for guest posts with a link back to your blog. Any of these can help you stand out to Google’s algorithm.